Monday, September 7, 2009

District 9

Here is my half-hearted attempt at critiquing and explaining the awesomeness that is, "District 9".


  1. I also liked the face that it happened in this random city in South Africa. I'm not sure if Hollywood is moving their films away from America with films like this and Slumdog, but it was nice to see aliens coming to somewhere that's not New York or San Diego or whatever... We even overdo places like London. Its good that Hollywood is moving to a more International Stage I give all movies a star rating and I gave it 4 stars. Yay.
    Also, your two thumbs up reminded was reminiscent of 'muffins'. I enjoyed it.

  2. I am glad that you enjoy my movie reviews and ratings. I am also glad that you enjoy my ridiculous faces that I make. "District 9" is an amazing film and I can't wait to get it on DVD. Also, my next movies that I am going to review are some awesome ones. If you have any Australian films for me to watch, just let me know! I love movies! And I miss you!

  3. Hey Andy! Nice review. I actually had never heard of District 9, but now you've got me curious.
